Monday, November 29, 2010

No Way… what mystery animal did this meat come from?

What the hell am I eating? This meal has some of the most questionable looking meat in it I have ever ingested! Unfortunately for me today I am having Sweet Teriyaki chicken by Tai Pei. I will start out by saying that I had no intention of writing a food review today so I didn’t prepare myself mentally for the shock of the meal I was about to eat. First of all the cooking time is 5-6 minutes, and then another grueling 3-5 minute standing time… The meal smelled wonderful while I waited for it to finish but was sadly disappointed when I opened the microwave and unwrapped my lunch. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked at the “new and improved recipe” looked like. I noticed a piece of “grilled chicken” that was more like grilled gristle with sear marks on it attached to what tasted like a piece of petrified wood from the Jurassic period. I played off my first piece of absolutely disgusting chicken as a mistake, but I tried it anyway… just to see if it tasted as bad as it looked. Yes, it did. Not only was it gross it was not the only piece in this pile of trash I promised myself that I would finish for the sake of this review. I tried the dehydrated tasting carrots followed by the over cooked broccoli. My favorite part of the whole meal was the pineapple… yes I said it, p i n e a p p l e. There was one piece of pineapple in the whole container and it was delicious… too bad there wasn’t as many pieces as the picture on the container. I guess when I list an ingredient and there is only one piece it should say “may contain pineapple.” I guess it is just like when I order a pizza from Dominoes I expect more than one pepperoni when I order it with pepperoni. This meal was so disappointing to me because I adore Tai Pei’s Chicken Egg Rolls and I was hoping for some of the same quality and great taste that they have always had with this meal.

In a word this meal was very disgusting.
Cook Time: just don’t… save yourself some time.

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