Monday, April 26, 2010


Intimidating, fierce, and aggresive... no I am not describing a datewith Kobe Byrant. I am describing Hungry Man's Southern Fried Chicken Dinner. This meal was a mans man meal, it practically says so right there in the title... "Hungry, no pussys allowed, Man Dinner" This meal is just straight meat and potatoes, the only two requirements every man wants out of a meal when they are hungry. I actually had bought the Hungry Man meal to try out Sunday,and I had not ate all day. When I set aside time to eat it the time was 3pm, and I looked at these huge portions I thought "I am not even THIS hungry"

To describe the meal a bit, it is over a pound and a half of food... that is three times larger than a frozen meal that I typically would review. I didnt like the preperations instructions at all either, having multiple phases for cooking a meal always makes me grumpy because it takes away my quality facebook time, lol. I realize they were probably pretty neccisary considering the portion size of the potatoes and that there is about a pound of
proccessed chicken to eat. The actual meal was satisfactory, had I been as ravenous as one would have to be to eat this much food I am sure it would be delicious. My first impression of the potatoes was that they were earthy, like they had been made hastely by someone that didn't bother to clean the potato skins before they made "skin-on" mashed potatoes. No such luck for me though, these were certainly instant mashed potatoes with a brown gravy. I suppose it didnt matter that there was a brown gravy with a poultry dish, considering I wasn't actually eating chicken, but three over-sized chicken nuggets. They breading was a spicey southern style c
oating that was very paletable, but the actual chicken was certainly more processed than I would like it to have been. I just imagine it being made out of chicken beaks, feet, or whatever they had laying around... isn't that what chicken nuggets are? Chicken nuggets are the hot dog of the poultry world, and these patties were its foot-longs. I gave it my best shot at eating the meal, I think I started to loose self respect at about one of the nuggets to begin with anyway... I could only manage to eat two of the three mega sized nuggets and about a third of the potatoes before I completely started to hate myself. I actually offered my coworkers the remainder of my meal because I felt so guilty for waisting so much food. Even as I write this I am ashamed that I am not man enough to eat an XXL portion of a Hungry Man dinner. I guess I am just not cut out for it.

The meal itself wasnt that bad, I can look past the processed chicken
to some extent... if I can eat a hotdog I can eat this. There was simply too much food. The actual cook time is 10 minutes long with a 2 to 3 minute wait time because of the sheer amount of it. I didn't even eat my whole meal and I had realized I went over my lunch break by a half an hour just to eat what I did. As a word of caution I wouldn't attempt to eat this unless you are a trained professional... or if arent a pussy like I am apparently.

In a word this meal was unessicarily large and mediocre.

Cook Time: 3 minutes with chicken removed then 7 minutes more with chicken.

Stand Time: 2-3 Minutes

Nutrional Information: Dont do it! Unless you are splitting this amongst your family of four.

I feel like I should be Morgan Spurlock and eat one of these every day over a 30 day period just to see how much these mess me up.

1 comment:

  1. This review was well worth no sleep. And I did tell you yesterday that Hungry Man Dinners are not meant for the average joe to just wake up and decide he is Hungry Man material. There is a grueling 10 week program that will get you mentally and physically tough to prepare you for the monstrosity that its a Hungry Man Dinner. Overall I am impressed you were man enough to admit your a pussy and couldn't finish it. Perhaps in the future you could revisit the Hungry Man after you have participated in the 10 week course and then compare the two experiences!
