Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good News!

Hello everyone! It has been a little while since I have done a blog post so I figured I would let you know what I have been up to lately. The last couple weeks have been really fun and exciting traveling all over the United States on my very successful book tour. I have been busy signing autographs, photos, and my New York Times Best Selling book that just made it into Oprah's Book of the Month Club.

Having all of that said, this week I really wanted to do something really daring for a review week so I decided to go with a theme. The theme for this week is Microwave Seafood Meals! Specifically fish because I think everyone is a little aprehensive to try microwaved fish, and rightfully so. I have two reviews already underway and I am just waiting to upload them in the morning, complete with pictures and all. The reviews so far are surprisingly good. I guess they would have to be for as low as my expectations are for them, but I will let each individual meal speak for itself.

I would like to thank everyone again for taking time to read my blog and purchasing my book!

(Hey, a man can dream can't he)

So, if anyone would like to contribute a review or suggest different products I will be working on adding those sections this week as well. Thanks again for reading :)

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