From the moment I had the Stouffer's Pepperoni and Provolone Stromboli in the microwave I knew that I was in for a treat. The air was filled with a very rich Italian aroma that really made me feel like I was in for an authentic Italian meal! After my long one minute waiting period I was ready to try what my nose was promising to be a very delightful meal.
As I began to eat the micro-waved treat I quickly realized that the Stromboli's looks were very deceiving. I anticipated something just a notch above a hot pocket, and I was pleasantly disappointed. I noticed that the filling did in fact fill the Stromboli's crusty bread shell, and not only that but tasted incredible. The provolone that the packaging promises was definitely present along with the "thick cut pepperoni." The provolone was creamy and had a strong enough flavor profile for me to know it was present amongst a lot of very delicious seasoning and spices. The pepperoni is thicker than I usually eat, but true pepperoni fans like my wife would certainly like Stouffer's thick-cut pepperoni instead of the traditional thin-sliced, barely noticeable flavor of a Pepperoni Hot Pocket. I am very sure that I will try more of these and other Stoufer's products.
In a word, my lunch was very delightful.
Cook time: 3 Minutes
Stand Time: 1 Minute
Nutrional Infromation here
You should have showed a pic of it cut open.